Group Insurance And Retail Insurance What Is The Difference?
Group insurance and retail insurance are two types of insurance that are used to protect individuals and families against financial loss. Group insurance is insurance that is provided to a group of people, typically as a benefit offered by an employer. For example, an...
What is Ethical Investing?
Ethical investing is choosing where to invest money based on ethical or moral principles. It is dependent on the person because it revolves around applying your individual values, which include social, moral and religious beliefs and decisions. THERE IS NO MARKET OR GOVERNMENT DETERMINED NAME FOR THIS TYPE OF INVESTING DUE TO ETHICS BEING A […]
Insurance Protection Service
Our Insurance Policy CUSTOMIZED We believe it is essential that our analysis and research is customised to each client. The detail can be extremely important when it comes to insurance cover and this is why we conduct a detailed process. ACCURATE We value accurate amounts of cover, so you are not over insured. We research […]
Think twice before getting financial advice from your bank
Next time a friendly bank staff insists on helping you with your money, consider this: 75% of the advice given to customers wasn’t in the clients best interests. This startling figure comes from a recent review of the financial advice offered from the big four banks by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Even […]
ASIC reveals big bank planners fail with “best interests duty”
When ASIC conducted its detailed reviews between 2015 and 2017, it came as no surprise they found some damning results in relation to advice given by financial planners at our major banks. There is a requirement for advisers to act in their customers best interests called the ‘best interests duty’. ASIC found that 75% of […]
Why the banks integrated financial advice model is flawed
It’s hard to believe the banks can keep a straight face and say they can abide by the duty for advisers to act absolutely in the best interests of a client. Under the integrated financial advice model, there are layers of different fees including adviser fees, platform fees and investment management fees adding up to […]
‘General advice’ confusion is profitable from a banks perspective.
According to the financial planning lobby, Australia’s largest banking institutions may be taking advantage of consumer confusion over the term “general advice” to sell products via staff that are not qualified advisers and have no legal requirement to put customers interests first. According to the watchdog, general advice fails to take into account the consumer’s […]
Who really owns the license?
Having decided you will benefit from financial planning advice, you generally have only a handful of choices when it comes to sourcing advice and guidance from a professional and qualified planner. You could seek advice from: Industry funds such as CBUS, First State, REST, HostPlus etc The banking system using CBA, ANZ, Westpac NAB etc […]
Parental Guarantee Strategy
A step-by-step guide for Parents who are acting as Guarantors With today’s property prices, first home ownership is becoming harder and harder to achieve. Too often, we’re finding that parents want to help their children achieve their home ownership dreams, but are worried about how it may affect them financially. The risks appear to outweigh […]
The Four Most Common Mistakes when Buying Life Insurance
Buying Life Insurance is no easy task. It raises a lot of uncertain questions that leave us wondering what we need to do to make it easier for our loved ones should anything unexpected occur. Here are the four most common mistakes that people make when buying life insurance; 1. Chasing the best price, and […]
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